Are you allowing your challenges to break your contract and covenant with God?
In 2ND CHRONICLES 15-12-15; all of Judah entered into a COVENANT of yearning for, serving and seeking God. Our covenant or contract with God is maintained and based solely on faith. So inevitably keeping our contract with God is solely dependent on how tight we hold on to our faith declaration to God.

Our purpose in life should be to serve Gods interest as a delight in your work, at home, etc.
It is true that champions must experience challenges to excel to the next level.
However, Hebrews 10:23 tell us to
hold fast to the profession of faith.
Hold fast means to secure tightly. To profess means to declare and
In 1st Corinth
1:5, and 2nd Corinth 9:11 the bible repeatedly tell us that God
enriches us in every way, in all things. So what would make us break this
contract or covenant.

God’s plans, God’s paths,
God’s WORD, only have one direction-our wealthy place in Him. They are all headed to a place that is
debt-free, sickness-free, worry-free, demon-free. It’s the good life which God made ready for
us to live….”
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