Sunday, October 30, 2011

Is Your Heart’s Dream A Godly Vision?

 1.     A vision leads to helping others
If you desire to improve upon a product or service, and the end result will be a benefit to others, this could be an authentic Godly vison.

    2. A vision glorifies God
Who gets the credit when the vision is fullfilled?  Will your name be the hanging banner  that flies over the finished product or will it be the name of God who enabled you to complete it?

3 .    A vision is future orientated
 A vison must be built.   A divine vision brings confidence in the future.  Just because it has not happpened yet-does not mean it will not happen.  It may call for resources or skills you don’t yet have.

4 .    A vision defeats the work of the destruction(the devil)
Jesus said He came to destroy the works  of the devil.  If we are working side by side with Jesus, in what ever industry we are in- we will be doing the same.  God will guide us to break through the devil’s schemes towards a broken world-so Jesus’s love can shine through our hands and hearts.

5.    A vision requires the power of the Holy Spirit
 Real visions given by God require God’s power, expressed in our lives through the Holy Spirit to be completed.  Remember in this world we deal with wickedness in high places  that we could never imagine existed.  If we can bring our dreams to pass without  Gods help, its too small.

6.    A vision advances God’s Kingdom
In spite of everything, that is what we are to be about.  When our visions and dreams line up with Scripture, and they promote the Kingdom of God, we can move ahead with unshakable confidence.

Excerpts  taken from  the book Entreprenuerial FAITH                                                                          
By Kirbyjon Caldwell & Walt Kallestand with Paul Sorensen 

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